End of Unit Final APP Checklist

Here is a Quick checklist for the end of unit summative assessment. This will help ensure all necessary aspects of the assessment are completed.

  • Meet and discuss your student’s performance with appropriate colleague/s.
  • Provide only one rating for each item.
  • All items should be scored where you have evidence of level of performance.
  • Complete the Global Rating Scale.
  • Complete the final APP before summative assessment is discussed with the student.
  • Remind the student to complete their self-assessment using the APP.
  • Be prepared to substantiate the ratings and feedback you have provided. Some students may wish to discuss and even challenge your decisions. Keep in mind examples of behaviours that illustrate higher standards on the rating scale.
  • Ensure you have organised a suitably private space for feedback, with appropriate support for you and the student as needed (e.g. University teleconference/ Clinical Education Coordinator).
  • Provide your student with clear feedback based on samples of evidence, refer to performance indicators.
  • Reflect on the feedback and assessment process and decide how the process could be improved for the next unit.
  • Complete all forms and submit.
  • The final grade for the student will be decided by the university considering the documentation and recommendations from the clinical educator.