Goal Setting

The student can use the APP to set their learning objectives or goals

Think about goals that are valuable to you and your students. 

This will require discussion with the students as to their perception of learning needs.

It also requires the student to reflect on their previous experiences.

Reflective Cycle

Reflective Cycle

Keep the number of learning goals manageable and realistic. The first time you go through this exercise opt for a shorter list.

Goals should be SMART

  • S=Specific
  • M=Measureable
  • A=Action oriented
  • R=realistic
  • T=Time sensitive

Would you like to practice developing smart goals?


Write goal statements that begin with action verbs.

The following is an example of a SMART goal:

By the second week of the placement, I will be able to explain to a colleague, physiotherapy assistant or patient the surgical procedures (Hartman, hemi-colectomy, trachea-esophageal fistula), including indications for physiotherapy intervention.

Would you like a copy of a SMART Goal Worksheet to complete?

Other Resources