Placement Preparation: Training resources for educators
This presentation is designed for you to use either as an independent learning resource or in your workplace as you mentor new clinical educators. It consists of 16 powerpoint slides which outline the different components of the APP Instrument, when and how to use it to maximise student learning and assessment.
Ensuring consistency in Assessment
The concept of reliability or consistency of assessment across different educators, different clinical areas and different types of facilities is a key component of effective assessment. It is important that students assessed by one educator would receive a similar grading if assessed by a different educator.
There are several strategies that can be used to aid consistency of assessment:
- Regular training in the use of the assessment instrument using exemplars of student performance
- Remain constant in expectations of what is an adequate passing standard for each item irrespective of when the unit/subject is occurring during the program.
- A lead assessor/mentor who is responsible for arranging discussion between staff and training in relation to student assessment and its inherent challenges. This is essential if the challenges associated with biases and “upward creep” of the pass standard are to be addressed
- Where appropriate, use of an independent assessor (a university educator) to assist in training of assessors or as an arbiter when consensus on student performance cannot be reached
In order to assist in delivering a consistent assessment of student clinical performance, a suite of 12 video vignettes depicting various standards of student performance as assessed by the APP is available for training assessors.
The videos have been scripted and tested extensively to ensure they are representative of the level of performance at which they have been rated.
To access these videos visit the 2015 Video Vignette page.
It is strongly recommended to read the APP Video Vignette User Manual prior to viewing any videos.