Task One: Review of student performance of patient interview

Watch this video of physiotherapy student Kerry as she conducts a patient interview with Barry who has had a stroke. Have a copy of the APP tool and Performance Indicators (or log book) with you to assist you.

Performance Indicators

Examples of desirable performance are provided for each of the 20 items. These are not meant to be prescriptive or exhaustive and they are not meant to be graded. They serve several purposes, the most important of which is to provide examples of the language that educators might use in helping students to shape performance targets.

Students, especially early in clinical placements, are not used to being constantly monitored and assessed. Like all of us, they find this process emotionally challenging and are justifiably anxious. Attention to accurate analysis of learning needs using performance indicators serves to direct their focus away from their anxieties and onto desirable clinical behaviours. Performance indicators provide concrete stepping stones that can help the educator articulate their desire for student success and diffuse the distraction of fear of failure.

VideoVideo 1

  1. Nominate the domains of practice demonstrated in this video?

    The main domains of practice covered in this clip relate to communication and assessment , although some aspects of professional behaviour are evident in this scenario
  2. Having watched Kerry complete the interview of her patient Barry, consider the communication and assessment domains and their associated items (5-10). Read the performance indicators for these items. Now decide which of these items you could rate the student’s performance on.
    Reflection pointWhich performance indicators under item 5 and item 7 is the student performing at or above a passing standard?
  3. Review the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (either online or using the logbook from this site) and select appropriate Performance Indicators that this student is performing at an adequate level or higher.
    • Item five (communicates effectively and appropriately) and then
    • Item seven (assessment).

Using the log book, review the Performance Indicators and do the following activities:

  • tick the Performance Indicators that the student meets at a passing standard
  • put a circle for Performance Indicators not performed at an adequate (passing) standard
  • and write N/A for competencies not able to be assessed, as there was no opportunity for demonstration.

For feedback on item five - communicates effectively and appropriately - Click here

Communication Date/Comment
5. Communicates effectively and appropriately - Verbal/non-verbal 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (rate the student’s performance only when you have enough evidence to make a judgement).
Greets others appropriately
Questions effectively to gain appropriate information
Listens carefully and is sensitive to patient/client and carer views
Respects cultural and personal differences of others
Gives appropriate, positive reinforcement
Provides clear instructions N/A
Uses suitable language & avoids jargon
Demonstrates an appropriate range of communication styles (eg patients/clients, carers, care team)
Recognises barriers to optimal communication
Uses a range of communication strategies to optimize patient/client rapport and understanding (eg hearing impairment, non-English speaking, cognitive impairment, consideration of non-verbal communication) N/A
Appropriately uses accredited interpreters N/A
Maintains effective communication with clinical educators N/A
Actively explains to patients/clients and carers their role in care, decision-making and preventing adverse events
Actively encourages patients/clients to provide complete information without embarrassment or hesitation
Communication with patient/client is conducted in a manner and environment that demonstrates consideration of confidentiality, privacy and patient’s/client’s sensitivities
Negotiates appropriately with other health professionals N/A

For feedback on item seven – assessment - Click here

Communication Date/Comment
7. Assessment 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (rate the student’s performance only when you have enough evidence to make a judgement).
Conducts and appropriate patient/client interview
Positions person safely and comfortably for interview
Structures a systematic, purposeful interview seeking qualitative and quantitative details
Asks relevant and comprehensive questions
Politely controls the interview to obtain relevant information
Identifies patient’s/client’s goals and expectations
Responds appropriately to important patient/client cues
Conducts appropriate assessment with consideration of biopsychosocial factors that influence health.
Seeks appropriate supplementary information, accessing other information, records, test results as appropriate and with patient’s/client’s consent N/A
Generates diagnostic hypotheses, identifying the priorities and urgency of further assessment and intervention N/A
Completes assessment in acceptable time

○ The student did not seek quantitative details

SUMMARY TASK ONE: This activity is to assist you to identify relevant areas (domains) of practice, items and their performance indicators that relate to a student’s performance of an activity. The areas, items and indicators help you decide on the standard of the student’s performance and more importantly on the areas for feedback to the student.